When your child struggles with academic progress, especially in areas of reading and writing, choosing the right program can be a daunting and confusing process.
Frustrated parents of children with learning disabilities can be especially vulnerable to interventions that make unrealistic promises. Untested methods not only waste time, energy and possibly finances, but they can potentially lead children to feel overburdened or unhappy. Intervention programs that are research and evidence based are the most effective way to fill the gaps and/or eliminate the barriers to success.
Executive Functioning Coaching will begin in September 2023. The sessions will be one-on-one with your child to provide support during the school year. The coaching is most ideal for middle school, high school, and university students.
Reading and Writing Interventions
“Experts agree that by Grade 2, kids should be well on their way to fluency with books.”
Unlike talking, we are not wired to read. That is because the written language is a code. Reading is the process by which we crack the code, that is, how we get information from letters and words. A learning disability in reading can occur when a person has trouble reading words or understanding what they read. Learning to read is a challenge for almost 40% of kids. But with early intervention, most reading problems can be prevented. For older kids, reading interventions can help fill the gaps. It is critical to intervene early as small deficits at the start of reading can compound over time. The programs provide direct, explicit, and intensive reading instruction twice a week. The intervention follows a structured program, monitors progress and allows children to confidently make gains without forgetting what they learned along the way.
Similarly, learning to write presents significant challenges for some kids. Writing is a complex process. Explicit instruction in handwriting, spelling, and written expression is critical for children to successfully convey their ideas in writing.
But where do you go? There are so many programs out there, how do you know what works? Talk to us about reading and writing programs that we will be offering. Intensive small group and on-one-one reading interventions will be offered in the Summer of 2023.
Executive Functioning Coaching
Executive functioning skills refer to the brain-based, cognitive processes that help us regulate our behaviour, make decisions, and set and achieve goals.
These skills include task initiation and follow through, planning/organization, working memory, performance monitoring, inhibition of impulses, and self-regulation. Kids with weak executive skills can be disorganized or forgetful, have trouble getting started on tasks and get distracted easily. They can become angry when routines are changed or expectations are not met and act without realizing the consequences of their actions.
Executive functioning is very important for school performance. We can provide executive functioning coaching to your child. Your child will check in with the coach daily and in-person once a week to ensure they are setting themselves up for success.
This coaching program will begin in September 2023. It is ideal for middle school, high school and university students.
Not only do psycho-educational assessments help you (and your child) understand their learning abilities, they also inform future intervention(s) to fill gaps and promote learning.
Coaching Executive Functioning skills can be critical for some kids to achieve academic success. A coach will connect with your child regularly and will help them develop skills such as organization and planning.
Workshop topics will vary and will be offering at different times. Workshops about goal setting, learning skills, career planning and executive functioning will be offered regularly through the year.
“ Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.”